6 February

1995 death of James Merrill

electromagnetism in the body
1999.02.06 12:12


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2017.02.06 14:45

1999.02.06 12:12
electromagnetism in the body
The human heart is effectively an electromagnet, and thus the area of concentrated electromagnetism within the body.
We all know that the heart is a pump of blood, but rarely is it stated that what the heart pumps is precisely what makes the heart pump. For this reason alone the heart is the most perfect of all (electrical) machines.
Compare the definitions of the heart and the definition of electromagnet in Webster's Third International Dictionary and you will be struck by the fundamental sameness.
So where exactly is the electricity and the magnetism within the heart? Where else but in the blood, the pumps fuel.
Blood contains sodium chloride (salt) which is composed of sodium and chloride ions, electrically charges atoms.
Blood contains iron, a ferrous material whose properties include the ability to spontaneously magnetize.
No doubt, we each contain nature at its best.
Three practical examples:
Strenuous labor, especially work under heated conditions, can cause (so-called) sun stroke. The remedy for sun stroke is salt tablets, which work simply because they replenish the electricity that pours from the body when we sweat.
People with high blood pressure are advised to refrain from salt in their diets. Essentially it is dangerous to increase the corporal "charge" when the pressure is already high.
Women, through their menstrual periods, lose quantities of blood. Women are advised to take iron supplements as part of their diet. It is during their periods that women lose a measurable (but still necessary) portion of their magnetism.




Stephen Lauf © 2021.02.19