Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
2 October 2023   Monday
I told JP that the behavior of Harvard University as portrayed within episode three of the Netflix documentary Encounters really bothered me. "Where exactly did the diagnosis that anyone who claims to have seen UFOs and/or aliens is automatically psychotic come from? Where exactly is the research that backs up that diagnosis?" And Harvard University was trying to claim that the multi-honored, tenured professor, who was actually conducting research into eyewitness claims of having seen UFOs and/or aliens, of committing malpractice. There should have been a large lawsuit against those who were really committing diagnostic malpractice.
Let's see if anything happens 20 April 2024, the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.
It's very interesting, I'm finding, that epilogues can, in many respects, comprise ongoing unknowns. You'd think pretty much everything was already known by the time you reached the epilogue.


Mary Boone's 180 hours of community service   hours 178 179 180

Virtual Painting   465

aspatiallity at work
space time continuum
space time discontinuum
aspatial atemporal discontinuum
aspatial atemporal continuum
(xsquared + 2xy + ysquared) x (xcubed + 3xsquaredy + 3ysquaredx + ycubed) marks the spot, maybe.
the expeditious expedition
had flags and colors and birds
and waves of hands
and waves of seas
they embarked
with the goal to please
all reality is relative to the size of its container
all irreality is relative to the holes in the container
we are all mirrors that have to see ourselves regardless


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