18 November

notes on Chronosomatics 181-182

vehicles of symbolism?

Re: Yale School of Art   1072x
2002.11.18 10:10

tit for tat   1324s
2003.11.18 21:14



vehicles of symbolism?

Since beginning this "vehicle" film threat, it has dawned on me that when "vehicles [in films]are both very literal and very symbolic, and, moreover, it is the seamless transition from literalness to symbolism that the vehicles deliver," that this phenomenon is much akin to the notion of the medium simultaneously being the message.

Re: Yale School of Art
2002.11.18 10:10

My prior commentary was admittedly extreme, but I wanted to make the point that academia sets an artificial range of parameters, and (one could say) that one theme that runs through some of my work is the ongoing investigation of accepted parameters, especially those most taken for granted, or those most seen as somehow being above reproach. A project that ultimately redefines parameters is, of course, very satisfactory, but not necessarily a fulfillment of an overriding goal from the start.

All higher education is now a high priced consumer item, and I feel it should be recognized as such from the get go. Thus, for me at least, I find it to be a lot more artful/artistic when I can attain something extremely valuable, yet at the same time spend relatively no money getting it.

Suffice it to say that I was/am attempting to clearly describe, and indeed often manifest, a fundamentally alternative mode of operation via my 'work'. This does not automatically mean that I am then also trying to be better (than 'everyone else'), but if I do come across what appears to be a(n unwittingly accepted) mistake, I will see if I can "fix it."

tit for tat
2003.11.18 21:14




Stephen Lauf © 2020.09.05