Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

Re: Hope all is well
Hello Yura,
The rescheduling of the Star Revenge’s opening from July to October does seem to relieve some pressure. I’ll be keeping in touch much more regularly between now and then—I’m feeling renewed excitement over the exhibit. By the way, The Discovery of Piranesi’s Final Project is set to end 9 November 2023, Piranesi’s death date (4 October is Piranesi’s birthday).
Thanks for you congratulations; it mean a lot to me. In fact, your congratulations is the first time anyone has expressed anything to me regarding The Discovery of Piranesi’s Final Project. Keep in mind, however, that where Bianconi and Piranesi are involved, it’s actually Bianconi, Piranesi, Francesco and even Laura that are collectively involved in the ‘Circus of Caracalla’ affair. Hence, Bianconi is clearly out-numbered, and, perhaps even more importantly, there was no real rupture in the business between Piranesi’s death and Francesco’s taking control—Francesco’s artistic career is largely a positive continuation of Piranesi’s intentions.
Regarding my connection to Russia, it dawned on me last night that you, YP, are indeed my only real connection to Russia—all my other connections to Russia are true, but you’re my only connection to Russia that’s actually real! Anyway, I’m now in the process of getting more acquainted with S. Eisenstein’s Piranesi analysis, and thanks for the suggestion.
In closing, I’d like it if you’d consider being a co-author within The Discovery of Piranesi’s Final Project, meaning that anytime you want to add something to the story, just send me the data and I’ll publish it. I, and the story, could very much use another voice, especially a voice coming from Russia, Moscow, and even the House of Culture.
Feeling good again,


a work within
The Twelve in the Hall

zero five eight

slowly trying to accomplish cover to cover...
Walter Benjamin, Illuminations.
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretations.
Joseph Rykwert, The Judicious Eye: Architecture Against the Other Arts.
and the "Bilocation" chapter of
Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day.


Re: Götterdämmerung?
This is getting interesting. Brings to mind the notion/role of the spoil sport (a la homo ludens), i.e., the one(s) not playing by the preferred game/club rules, and, at the same time, manifesting a likewise history/legacy that the club rather not acknowledge.


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.06.29