2005.05.07 10:41
Re: artists that deal with originality and/or unoriginality? - Unbekannt
I'm doing a Tired of Seeing This Shit series.
It comprises the Kostabi "name the painting" TV show ads I've got, each collaged with thought clouds coming from the 'contestants," with thoughts like "I think that's Piece of Shit No. 206834" or "I think that's Untitle Deed."
If you're aiming at unoriginality, you should at least make sure you go very unoriginal.
2005.05.07 10:51
Re: artist's who are against digital technology - Unbekannt
Wow, Lucas Samaris knew shit happens! Boy, he must be smart or something.
2005.05.07 12:43
Re: artists that deal with originality and/or unoriginality?y - Unbekannt
now i get it, red zepplin, right?
2005.05.07 12:47
Re: artists that deal with originality and/or unoriginality?y - Unbekannt
it get's my stamp of approval!
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2005.05.14 15:19
Koolhaas versus the Actor
14 May 1948
Israel becomes a state
14 May 1999
Discovery, at the Fine Arts Library of the University of Pennsylvania, that Piranesi's Ichnographia Campi Martii had been printed in two distinct states
14 May 2004
Louis I. Kahn, with Helena, Eutropia, and Catherine de Ricci visit Melania the Older and Melania the Younger in Israel
14 May 2005
Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus and John the Baptist Piranesi present "De Spectaculis II" at Leaving Obscurity Behind, the 2005 Horace Trumbauer Architecture Fan Club Convention
2005.05.17 10:11
I know ugly art gets less attention... - Unbekannt
Remember that Fenton painting I bought for $25 via eBay sometime last year? Well, after looking at it for about a minute, it went right back in the shipping tube. Were those two long hairs (one stuck to the tube by tape, and one sticking off the painting) supposed to be part of the art?
Is there such a thing as 'banquet of nausea' art? You betcha!
2005.05.17 18:38
Sexual Architecture??
Paul Rudolph may indeed be the progenitor of sado-masochistic architecture. I can just picture him in an all-leather get-up, especially with that severe buzzcut coif.
2005.05.20 11:29
Ridiculous descriptive words for architecture
There was this nun in grade school that used to take our class downtown on architectural walking tours, and she was really fond of saying, "Look at all the powerful erections!" And then she started showing us "dark nooks and crannies." Then she took us up City Hall Tower, and when the elevator got to the top she said, "Now children, ejaculate yourselves."
Thank you, Sister Immaculata!
2005.05.27 09:43
from our Savior...with love!
Now read something where you will actually learn something:
The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
In retrospect, what I really learned about was the pervasive existence of modern oblivion. Not just the obvious-ness to the sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art, but the overall condition of modern oblivion that most of humanity (especially most "Christians") don't even know that they exist in.
It's ironic how Rumsfeld says that part of the fight against terrorism includes the fight against religious extremism. Yet, at the same time, religious extremism in the USA no doubt believes that Rumsfeld is right. That's modern oblivion for you.
2005.06.02 17:17
Kubrick, 2001 & 9-11
So the Lunar Monolith reenacts a Miesian slab and God as well?
I wonder how differently humanity would be thinking about architecture these days if the Great Pyramid was still like brand new. Blinded by the light, maybe?
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2005.06.08 09:29
abracadabra, faia
Ach, Abra. Fucking sie LACMA for now. Let me tell you more about za Pittsker Prize. He vuz calling me yestourday too. Vunted to buy spezial artzwurkz.
Ah ha!
Ja ah ha! It vuz like Veech Liszt coming true.
I forgot you went to the Meryl Streep School of Foreign Accents.
Ah Hell, I was just talking English like my mother. It's great for selling art, like the Pittsker wants Museumpeace, the chair, and Wig Nut and Wig Not. Hey, he's about the only one who can afford that stuff.
How 'bout Anonymous Saint In Bikini While Jesus Is Walking On Water?
Ah, I say, that's already going to Cloony Tunes.
[magic laughter]
Ja, Pittsker Prize laughed too, and then he offered more money. I say, Veight, you vunt more of za rare wurkz. I show you The Size of the Horse's Balls. It iz iconoclastic! I'll tell ya, Pittsker sure knows his stuff when it comes to The Size of the Horse's Balls. He got all the inverted iconoclastic symbolism and even read between the lines. So I said, you are really liking The Size of the Horse's Balls, ja? He says ja, ja ja, ja ja ja ja ja. So then I hum a couple of sentences, you know, like Freud, works all the time, and then I say, you can have leetle discount. We close the deal. And then he told me he's gonna call abracadabra, faia, so I say, you know, to be really good in architecture you must always hold your own. Wow, he says, thanks Rita, I think the whole world wants to see me hold my own.
Is that you're call waiting or mine?
Artifact of Ottopia No. 142
Stephen Lauf
The Size of the Horse's Balls
1984.01.13 - 1991.08.15