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Artifact of Ottopia No. 111

Korean funerary ritual outside 5232 Arbor Street

2005.01.28 14:08
Leaving Obscurity Behind entitles the 2005 Horace Trumbauer Architecture Fan Club Convention, which is the second part of The Odds of Ottopia.
It's presence here at design-l has to do with the design(ing) of a virtual novel.
Have you ever read Defensible Space by Oscar Newman?

2005.01.28 15:13
It's probably over 25 years since I've had Defensible Space in my hands, and I never read it all the way through. It's contents may be dated at this point, and I doubt it has anything to do with the likes of present-day global terrorism.
The notion of "security by obscurity" is interesting. In simple terms, I guess it's like when people use avatars in chat rooms and discussion boards, etc. And in broad terms perhaps it's like the caves of southeastern Afghanistan
1. Deficiency or absence of light; darkness.
2a. The quality or condition of being unknown: "Even utter obscurity need not be an obstacle to [political] success" (New Republic).
2b. One that is unknown.
3a.The quality or condition of being imperfectly known or difficult to understand: "writings meant to be understood... by all, composed without deliberate obscurity or hidden motives" (National Review).
3b. An instance of being imperfectly known or difficult to understand.
n 1: the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand [syn: obscureness, abstruseness, reconditeness] [ant: clarity]   2: an obscure and unimportant standing; not well known; "he worked in obscurity for many years" [ant: prominence]   3: the state of being indistinct or indefinite for lack of adequate illumination [syn: obscureness]
It just so happens that there are two parts to the second part The Odds of Ottopia:
Leaving Obscurity Behind and
I'm a Big Fat Nobody: The Autobiography of Unbekannt
(unbekannt is the German for 'unknown')

2005.01.28 15:29
Jackson Pollack is celebrating his 93rd birthday with the LEAVING OBSCURITY BEHIND crowd.
And Philip Johnson is thrilled about delivering a paper with Richard Krautheimer for the HTAFCC -- "Creating One's Own Virtual Museum of Architecture" -- on 7 July 2005
6 July 1897 birth of Richard Krautheimer
8 July 1906 birth of Philip Johnson

2005.01.28 15:50
When you write:
we must keep in mind that in any situation, by definition - ' Security is a process not a result '
it makes me think that terrorists have been aware of this dictum long before the rest of the modern world.
When I was back in school (in the late 1970s), a professor used the example of a 6" high curb as being all there is between a pedestrian sidewalk and fast moving traffic, and how in reality the security level there is extremely slight. The only reason the design works is because virtually everyone follows the traffic laws. On the other, there is virtually no restriction to those that choose to not follow the traffic laws, and thus chaos, etc. is easily manifest. I think terrorists have become very good at locating, and hence exploiting, the "6 inch curbs" of civilization.

2005.02.01 10:54
etwas unbekannt zu mir
In the King of Prussia, de Antonio's 1982 film of the Plowshares Eight trial, marked a departure from his usual compilation and interview formats. The film recreated the trial of eight citizens, including activists Daniel and Philip Berrigan, who were convicted of trespassing and criminal mischief for entering a General Electric building and hammering the nose-cones of two nuclear bombs. Prohibited from filming the actual trial, de Antonio decided to reconstruct events of the trial using the actual plaintiffs. He did, however, deviate from the transcripts by adding testimony that turned the courtroom proceedings into a provocative analysis of civil disobedience. Michael H. Seitz, writing in Progressive, declared that the film provides "an example of resistance to nuclear armament that carries risk and honor."
King of Prussia Day
18 January 1982?
Versailles wo bist du?
Anonymous Saint In Bikini While Jesus Is Walking On Water
MAB interior latex paint on marble from Edward Stotesbury's Whitemarsh Hall bathroom
novel idea with no clear reason
de Antonio, warum so spät?

2005.02.01 11:12
Epic 2014/Googlezon
"In the future, everything will be an advertisement."

2005.02.01 11:36
Ach, du Lieber! - Unbekannt
8 September 1980
Plowshares Eight entered the General Electric Nuclear Missile Re-entry Division in King of Prussia, PA where nose cones for the Mark 12A warheads were made.
8 September 2003
death of Leni Riefenstahl
"Ach, du lieber Augustin, Augustin, Augustin, ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Geld ist hin, Mädl ist hin, alles ist hin, Augustin! Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Rock ist weg, Stock ist weg, Augustin liegt im Dreck. Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin! Und selbst das reiche Wien, hin ist's wie Augustin; weint mit mir im gleichen Sinn, alles ist hin! Jeder Tag war ein Fest, jetzt haben wir die Pest! Nur ein großes Leichenfest, das ist der Rest. Augustin, Augustin, leg' nur ins Grab dich hin! Ach, du lieber Augustin, alles ist hin!"
O, my dear friend Augustin
Augustin, Augustin,
O, my dear friend Augustin,
I just can't win!
Money's gone, girlfriend's gone,
I just can't win, Augustin!
O, my dear friend Augustin,
I just can't win!
Coat is gone, staff is gone,
Augustin's on his bum.
O, my dear friend Augustin,
I just can't win!
Even that rich town Wien,
Broke is like Augustin;
Shed tears with thoughts akin,
I just can't win!
Every day was a fest,
Now we just have the pest!
Now all the corpses rest,
That is the rest.
Augustin, Augustin,
Lay down in your coffin!
O, my dear friend Augustin,
I just can't win!

2005.02.01 11:49
Epic 2014/Googlezon
Product placement is a very interesting phenomenon. I especially like it when most people don't even recognize it, like how "the news" is more and more just product placement. Oprah's completely product placement. And don't even get me started about Disney!
Funny, when an individual 'places' their own work for others to 'consume', that's looked at with distaste. Is it that deep down most people really want giant corporations to control it all?

2005.02.01 17:43
Re: ART AND MONEY - Unbekannt
taster's choice
the beuys next door
Bist du so dumm?
computer = Computer
cocktail = Cocktail
cowboy = Cowboy
etc. = geh weider!

2005.02.02 10:01
who knew? - Unbekannt

Die Künstler sind zusammen im Berlin.
Kinder von Duchamp.
Ich hertz links.
Donner und Blitzen, naturlich.



Stephen Lauf © 2020.11.12