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Re: Yinka Shonibare
2004.10.26 10:56
Until recently, US Post Office 19120 played WDAS behind the counter, thus making trips to the post office actually somewhat enjoyable. Most of the clerks are "old school" too. One day, while being served during a particularly lively tune, I said to the clerk, "It's real funky in here today." And he just laughed out loud.
Re: Halloween costumes
2004.10.26 15:42
Hope you still have the Halloween Costume—wear it this year and tell everyone you're a stem cell.
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Mercer House auction catalogue
...taken apart one of the Mercer House auction catalogues, and there are seven full page views of the house interior. These pages will be apposed with laser prints of the single page jail letters. If the letters, albeit reduced in size, come out legible, then the resultant work will indeed be copyright infringement, thus not really for sale. . . . At least they will be Artifacts of Ottopia.
...have the portraits cut out and new collage art "inserted", plus new text could be laser printed and the title of the pieces are lines from the jail letters.
...text about the letters could be printed on a number of the pages to comprise a small book.
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auction catalogue pages
Like the idea for the Mercer house portrait pages, the paintings represented on catalogue pages could be manipulated into new works of art...
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