Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
26 September 2023   Tuesday
George's next CD was Eruption by Mountain, and the songs did indeed play during an eruption in the house. I have no idea of the actual song titles, but it would have been apt if one of them was "Lots of unloading off the chest."
When it comes to the Bianconi vs Piranesi 'Circus of Caracalla' affair, the picture that has, in due course, become clear in my mind is one of Piranesi being more or less completely innocent throughout the affair.
Piranesi knew nothing about Pierre-Adrien Pâris copying Francesco's plan drawing of the Circus of Caracalla, nor about all that Francesco had told Pâris about the Circus of Caracalla ruins. Furthermore, Piranesi, and more than likely Francesco as well, knew nothing about the arrangement (or was it contract?) between Pierre-Adrien Pâris and Giovanni Lodovico Bianconi regarding Pâris producing drawings of the remains and plan reconstruction of the Circus of Caracalla.
When Bianconi first saw (which we have to assume that at some point he did) that Piranesi already had a Circus of Caracalla plan that was virtually identical to the Circus of Caracalla plan that Pâris drew, Bianconi immediately, albeit also wrongly, assumed that Piranesi also got the plan from Pâris, but there is no evidence that Bianconi ever confronted Piranesi over the similarity of the plans, nor is there any evidence that Piranesi ever knew of the arrangement between Bianconi and Pâris.


Getting to go out for a bit, but not without trepidation.

Closer look: Zaha Hadid's new “floating” Port House in Antwerp
I don't think it's a rape at all. It's more like the older building has a real bad sado-masochistic streak and has been begging for this type of treatment for decades. And now, it can't believe it's ecstasy for who knows how many decades to come.
Then again, who's to say the two of them aren't now imagining a threesome?


The product of catabolism (destructive metabolism) is energy, which in turn induces anabolism (creative metabolism).
Human biological waste matter is largely an end product of assimilation. Uric acid, however, seems to be a by-product of metabolism.


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