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Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
13 September 2023   Wednesday
I told JP I'm glad the story is ending nicely, after I told him it was Francesco's plan of the Circus of Caracalla that Pierre-Adrien copied.
As soon as he met Pierre-Adrien as his architecture teacher, Francesco swanked.
"I already know how to survey ruins and draw their plans."
"Well then, you must show me your work."
Pierre-Adrien genuinely hoped to be impressed, but nonetheless was still surprised by the extent of the impression. Francesco's delineation of the Circus of Caracalla complex on the Appian Way was particularly impressive--simple in rendition, yet sophisticated in its subtle distinctions. Pierre-Adrien asked if he might make a copy of the plans, and Francesco was happy to have so quickly impressed his new architecture teacher. Turns out teacher and student discussed the Circus of Caracalla a lot, which was fine with Francesco because he knew so much about it.
Meanwhile, Piranesi, the one who taught Francesco how to survey ruins and subsequently draw their plans, and even Francesco at the same time, had no real idea of what Pierre-Adrien was furthermore up to with regard to the Circus of Caracalla. Of course, that all changed when Bianconi recognized a Piranesi hand in Pierre-Adrien's Circus of Caracalla work.
I also told JP that Francesco's plan and knowledge gave Pierre-Adrien a substantial head-start, and that's why he got so much good work done.
"He just didn't give [Francesco] any credit for it."
"That's the way it always is."


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Celebrity-turned-"designer"-shitting-on-real-architect thread du jour
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