Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

a 200th anniversary reenactment of
Charles Willson Peale's 'Blackberry Ramble'
through Northeast Philadelphia
starting at

a work within
This One's for George

a work within
This One's for George

Old Architectural Prints on EBAY
All the pre-1900 architectural prints I've bought and sold on eBay are real.
There are around 500 prints in my basement now that I keep on thinking I'll offer some day at eBay.
That, or I'll color some of them, or collage some of them, or wallpaper my bathroom with some of them.


the agnostic design of spiritual space
If you'd really like to see "church" architecture change, just imagine religious institutions without tax exemption.
You can thank Constantine for starting that law.


Re: that result can be an invention...
I think you are really beginning to confuse the issue here, Patrick.
A 'planned calendrical coincidence' is more or less an oxymoron.
for example
I know someone that wanted their child born on the vernal equinox, thus conception was done 9 months prior. This 'predestination' plan did not work out, however.
I was born on the vernal equinox, and my parent's wedding anniversary happens to be 9 months prior, the summer solstice. All completely coincidental.
Was my older brother then predestined to have a near fatal auto accident and lateral brain lobotomy also on the vernal equinox in the same hospital where I was born? No, but nonetheless, this calendrical coincidence did occur and thus offered me the opportunity to witness and even participate within a reenactment of my parent's anxiously driving to the hospital early in the morning on the vernal equinox.
Do I now consider my older brother also my lobotomized schizophrenic twin? I certainly can if I want to.
I'm into (playing) augury, but not predestination (because I believe completely in free will).
I like keeping an eye out for signs.


detail of
2 = odd, Dick

detail of
2 = odd, Dick

detail of
2 = odd, Dick

detail of
2 = odd, Dick

beginning of
Self Portrait [1]

Sunday, 8-14-77
The Roman beach was very middle class. The Tyrrhenian was very salty and great to float in. We left the beach at about 5:30. We stood the whole way home on the subway.
...ate dinner on the other side of the river. First night the group split into smaller groups. Took a walk to see St. Peter's for the first time. It was a great experience to see the (not floodlit) dome looming in the darkness. The piazza was practically empty [about a dozen people including a father and his young son on a small bicycle], and the architecture had this yellow glow from the few lights that were on.
Standing at the center-point of the colonnade was inspirational.
The colonnade is huge, and so is the basilica.


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.08.14