Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
1 August 2023   Tuesday
My parents were let go by the Soviet Union late autumn 1949. Seventy-four years later, the most unwitting of atonements.
Yes, plural, for there are many levels of atonement going on simultaneously in this supersaga. V. Khlebnikov, why did I not see all the connections sooner? And this new feeling of connection at times manifests itself almost viscerally, as much as that's even possible.


Narrow Streets Los Angeles
Oh, and speaking of making it cute...

Phantom Opera Buffs   1985.04.11


Took apart Museumpeace this morning.
The glue had been drying for a few years now and there was very little structure to it left.
Surprised to find that two screws were used in addition to glue.

I smell a Vorläufer
According to Adam, the architectural schools of the Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque periods had fossilised the rules and standards implicit in the masterpieces of classical Greece and Rome. These theorists, by codifying the artistic laws of the ancients, had removed the sense of freedom and liberty of expression which, in Adam's view, were essential to the creative process. In turn, this rigidity had resulted in the perpetuation of designs which were at once uninspired and monotonously heavy. "The great masters of antiquity," he wrote, "were not so rigidly scrupulous, they varied the proportions as the general spirit of their composition required, clearly perceiving that, however necessary these rules may be to form the taste and to arrest the licentiousness of the scholar, they often cramp the genius, and circumscribe the ideas of the master."
--Robert Oresko


Anonymous Saint In Bikini While Jesus Is Walking On Water

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