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2002.11.12 16:01
Re: Banker to offer art works for auction
The issue boils down to control and how much an artist wants to control their art beyond the making of it.
McElroy is right about the overall flexibility of contracts, and it does bode the artist well to be cognizant of the (somewhat easy) legal capability of 'designing' control.
My personal inclination is that I do not want to control my art beyond my making of it (especially since some of my 'best' work operates under the notion of 'apposing' someone else's work).
It seems only fair to respect artists that want to exercise more control, however.
Perhaps it might even be worthwhile for art history to from now on record contemporary art and the controls (if any) that it comes with.
[future question]
"Was she a control artist or was she a no-control artist?"
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2004.11.12 14:42
Re: Concrete Comedy: A Primer
"He consistently cast doubt on whether or not he was to be taken seriously. (Imagine the strength of character!) In this he was truly a groundbreaking comedian."
She be sinkin' at the pre-shrine.
Boy are my arms tired.
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