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Art that is Otto and Einstein at Princeton 107
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2004.05.26 12:12
Re: artists faces within their own work
I really like Duchamp, but I like reenactment better. When it comes to reenacting, Duchamp is kinda schwartz and cheezy. Mind you, I love cheese, but Sherman's reenactments are lots and lots of full course meals, and 'all you can it' at that.
on the other hand:
Is Étant Donnés Duchamp's ultimate reenactment? Does Sherman profit most from Étant Donnés? Maybe Cassandra knows. Maybe Smarty Jones.
I keep on wanting to post images of the 3d computer model of the Philadelphia Museum of Art that I recently constructed, depicting the Duchamp gallery and the room of Étant Donnés. Oh wait. I forgot. Duchamp and Jennewein asked for these images to illustrate thier forthcoming "Nudist Camp" paper for the Horace Trumbauer Architecture Fan Club Convention. Tough titties, I guess.
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