Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
15 October 2023   Sunday
Gave future art works a lot more thought today than I have in a long time. It may all start happening again once the "final project" concludes 9 November. In any case, things are already starting to shift.
The closest, geographically, I've yet come to southern Ukraine and Russia is just outside of Konin, Poland, where my father's father is buried. That was May 1990.
Is Piranesi's final project even an issue anymore? I've pretty much 100% made a very plausible case. My explanation as to why Piranesi changed all his already etched ancient circus plans holds together exceptionally well. I wonder how long it will take for that to be admitted to.


From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
15 October 2022   Saturday
An unexpected hour long phone conversation with a dear friend. A 66 year old and a 62 year old: topics all over the place with lots of jokings.


drafting with herb...
Today they're all joining Napoleon as he reenacts (again?!) his arrival at St. Helena. He's invited all the latest disaster fatalities, so expect a crowd. They'll probably wind up watching the reruns of Survivor St. Helena from last year's 'exile' party.
Tomorrow, Marie Antoinette said she'll serve up some chops. And then she'll be off for the groundbreaking reenactment at Versailles, sigh on the 20th. You can never tell with her though because she's also been telling people that Paul Rudolph will be celebrating his birthday next week at Guild House, and that he'll be serving decorated duck!
Me? I've been stoned for a few months now, and I even think I'm now "pregnant." Heinrich von Kleist is the father. We're picking names:
The Earthquake in Chile
The Marquise of O--
Michael Kohlhaas
The Beggarwoman of Locarno
St. Cecilia and the Power of Music
The Betrothal in Santo Domingo
The Foundling
The Duel


Spent time last week 'touring' Trumbauer 'palace' architecture of Philadelphia's immediate northern suburbs--the remains of Whitemarsh Hall, Grey Towers of today's Arcadia University, Curtis Hall-the remains of the Curtis Estate, the somewhat derelict Lynnewood Hall, Chelten House, Elstowe, and Georgian Terrace.
The great hall of Grey Towers is easily one of the best interior spaces in the Philadelphia area, a descendent of the entry hall of the Paris Opera House and a precursor to the great hall of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (where Trumbauer also played a role in the design). Overall, I've come to the realization that grand buildings containing great multi-story halls are a Trumbauer hallmark.
Oddly enough...


Das Meint Nichts

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