Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
12 October 2023   Thursday

"In creating the design of the exhibition, its architects Yura and Katya Plokhov relied on the ideas of the architectural theorist Stephen Lauf, the author of the concept of "The Timepiece of Humanity," in which the body of the "Vitruvian Man" is interpreted as a historical gauge. In the exhibition, you can see an illustration to the original gauge/diagram from the text, as well as listen to selections of Lauf's texts through headphones."
"The construction of the exposition is almost completed..."

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe this is where The Timepiece of Humanity gauge will be displayed.
Bianconi's Doctoring Piranesi   next season: "lacuna repletea"


[2021.10.12 20:55]

Introducing Liberland, an aspirational libertarian micro-nation along the Danube
from the competition data: Liberland’s territory has a mild climate similar to Los Angeles, but is prone to Danube river flooding.
The Danube flooded at what is now called the Liberland territory 17-18 May 1924. My grandmother once told me that, while she was giving birth to my mother, the town alarm starting sounding, so she had to ask what's going on. "The Donau broke [its banks], and they're calling all the men to go and build reinforcements."
Although my mother was born 17 May 1924, her birthday was always acknowledged as 18 May. The birth was correctly recorded within the town's civil records, but it was tradition to register the birth with the Church the next day, and that day became your official birthday. This odd one-day-off birthday applied to all the relatives of my mother's generation and all the relatives of my grandmother's generation (that I knew). No one was ever able to tell me why it was done this way, but I've later (in life) surmised it had something to do with infant mortality at birth or soon after being much more common in centuries past, and when an infant survived at least one day, then you registered the birth with the Church.


pieces/palimpsest   31

pieces/palimpsest   32

Say Johns, Say Johns Again

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