Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

Virtual Painting   463

Virtual Painting   464

zero seven three

Thread Central
the wall was lost in translation


peter's canon
...I have no inclination to 'correct' your personal probings into matters of faith.
The Incredulity of Saint Thomas is interesting however. Caravaggio depicts an event that the Bible doesn't actually say happened. You could say that Caravaggio is playing with history a bit. But was Thomas really doubting Christ, or did he just feel left out? Maybe John too played a bit with 'history' by using Thomas' supposed expressed doubt as an object lesson in blind faith. In all fairness, John is the only Apostle on record (written by John himself) to have believed in the ressurrected Christ before seeing the ressurrected Christ. (Read John, chapter 20 carefully.) The ressurrected Christ first appeared to Mary Magdalene and she didn't know it was Him. All the other Apostles (except Thomas) got to see the ressurrected Christ Easter night, and He made an explicit show of His hands and side. So it really isn't all that wrong for Thomas to say, "I want Him to show me his hands and side too." He deserved that treat as much as the rest of them.


"dead wrong" annexed
Maybe the USA should now change it's Constitution so that all President's have to actually pay for their mistakes.



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Stephen Lauf © 2024.08.22