Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

a 200th anniversary reenactment of
Charles Willson Peale's 'Blackberry Ramble'
through Northeast Philadelphia
starting at

Starting to index these weird graphics under architectural otherness.

Is it Architecture?
You know, hybrids actually do exist, although "culture" likes to mostly ignore them.


the agnostic design of spiritual space
paper tiger, where you're wrong (via jumping to a false conclusion) above is:
"you took it for granted that kimbell [Art Museum] is a sacred space. why? because everybody else in the architectural field says so? (actually, not nearly everybody, let's say half)."
I'm not taking anything for granted because others say so.
Independent of Kimbell and what other say about it, I've come to my own conclusions regarding sacred-ness being related to electromagnetism and osmosis through my research and development of the theory of chronosomatics. Kimbell fits the pattern of sacredness that I've found via chronosomatics. There are buildings that are osmotic but not also electromagnetic. It is the combination of osmosis and electromagnetism that engenders sacredness, and there are other architectures besides Kimbell that engender a sacredness via a combination of osmosis and electromagnetism.
If you think all this is bullshit, so be it for you. But I'm not interested in having what I say/write being misrepresented.
By the way, light is hardly simple. At best it's a duality in that sometimes it behaves like a particle and sometimes it behaves like a wave.


the agnostic design of spiritual space
I don't see any need for an implosive canceling-out. The fact that even your explanation still includes a "both" means the duality is still there.
I haven't read about the physics of light in over 10 years (in Encyclopedia Britannica, so maybe there have been new discoveries since then, but back then, light, under certain laboratory/experimental conditions behaved like a wave, and under other laboratory/experimental conditions it behaved like a particle.
I happen to like dualities, and my favorite is metabolism, create and destroy [and destroy and create].


There's that open door at the end of St. Peter's Colonnade which opens up to a long corridor and ultimately the Scala Regia. As usual, a Swiss Guard was there standing at attention. I walked up the few steps anyway. The guard remained motionless until I reached the threshold, when he very subtly dipped that spear/ax thing about a quarter inch in my direction. Then I winked at him and returned back to the crowd.


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.08.16