Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf


Mary Boone's 180 hours of community service   hours 145 146 147

zero six five

Charles Jencks - The Story of Post-Modernism: Five Decades of the Ironic, Iconic and Critical in Architecture
But 'the story' of Post-Modern architecture indeed comprises multiple narratives, conflicting viewpoints, and subaltern voices. From the very beginning Jencks described the language of Post-Modern architecture as schizophrenic, even.


Traditional/Classical Architecture- Part 2
Personally, I would like a truly eclectic house...

...showing my love of all architectur[al education].


Verb: Featured Discussion
Perhaps all "the experts" really want is to maintain their control of what is "legitimate".
"Official art culture is much more effective in its control of history than Republican strategists, for it knows that the best way to treat contradictory material is not to rail against it, but simply to pretend it didn't happen."
"The Establishment" has a long history of ignoring material that emanates from outside their control, and, more times than not, the establishment ultimately has to accept what it first chose to ignore (or deem illegitimate).
There is a direct relationship between ignoring and ignorance.


CSI: Philadelphia
Fresh fingerprints were placed upon a Duchamp Bride painting in unwatched gallery sometime Friday early afternoon 23 July 2004 while two female guards gossiped in Spanish in adjacent Brancusi gallery.
Professor Aplomb in the Hall with the revolver.
Overweight Cardinal gets stuck in confessional after hearing his own sins.
Marcel and Paul laugh their 'nudist camp' asses off.


Lawbreakers? Armed with only paint and paste? or More??
And Duchamp arranged the Arensberg collection within the Philadelphia Museum of Art, hence the Brancusi gallery next to the Duchamp gallery.
The gossiping guards were in the door (to the Brancusi gallery) between two Matisse paintings.
Thumb, index and middle finger of left hand.
Damn, I should have spun that bicycle wheel!!!


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