Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

2020.07.20 14:15

one zero two

archinect poem off
vision airy

what's this in my cup I see?
why it's just a novel tea

what's that on the hill I see?
why it's just a gallant tree


archinect poem off
journey motifs

the expeditious expedition
had flags and colors and birds
and waves of hands
and waves of seas
they embarked with a goal to please

so listen to me sun
the Egyptians, they hailed you
Mercury, he mailed you
wings on his feet
talk about heat

thus the zany zebra zipped with zest
past the zealous zombie
like a zephyr?
no, a zeppelin

and through the fanlight
flies the fan mail
like a pigeon
with a fantail


Hurricane Emily Says "Hello"
David hit Savannah the day after I left in 1979, and TV coverage of Hugo in 1989 brought pictures Savannah Beach, Tybee Island, where I just vacationed a month earlier.
I and high school buddies spent most of the week of Agnes (1972) under the Roosevelt Boulevard bridge that crosses Tacony Creek. The bridge comprises three enormous (12 lane highway above) concrete arches, and the creek usually streams through one arch. By the fifth day, the creek was a raging torrent going through all three arches. A week latter I got drunk for the first time at Avalon, NJ, drinking Sloe Gin of all things. Didn't The Summer of '42 come out in 1972?


Rita Novel Reporting
Friday, July 16th
10:00 p.m.
Reenact the "Running out of the Colonial" scene. Be a part of the excitement as we run out of the Colonial and on to the street as they did 47 years ago. It's going to look just like in the movie. Post hysteria refreshments available. Dress code is creative! If you plan to attend, try to be there by 9:30.
Otto saw a clip of this event last night on Action News. The funniest over-acting he's seen in some time.
The Colonial theater of Phoenixville, PA (a Philadelphia suburb) is where The Blob was filmed.
17 July
Rubens is making final preparations before he sets out for Rome where he'll be sketching for the next two weeks--drawings/designs for the Death Do Us Part tapestries.
18 July
Constantine hasn't been to Rome since 326 AD, but this year he will participate in reenacting the closing of his Vicennalia there. Apparently, he was really impressed that finally someone modern figured out when and how Helena and Fausta died. (He's still completely tight-lipped about where the spiral columns came from though.)
In general news....
Gordon's paper for the Horace Trumbauer Architecture Fan Club Convention is now entitled "Learning from Lacunae".
Tertullian and John the Baptist Piranesi will be conducting Vicennalia tours almost daily.
Marie Antoinette is getting a real kick out of how Martha Stewart is reenacting her these days--so Hameau Tableau. She's also wondering if 6 October will again have some significance.
Rita Novel can't make it to Rome, but her cousin, Rita Spectacle aka Four Eyes aka 20-20-20-20 hindsight, will be there and on duty.
Did you know that Dennis Joseph Cardinal Dougherty was on the cover of Time magazine 15 February 1937? (Wouldn't you know it? The fat cat now wants that reenacted!) I don't think Eva knows yet, but rumor has it that "God's Bricklayer" likes marriage so much he now wants a couple other wives. Apparently he's been asking if Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas are available.
Surprising auction outcome for Eva's auction catalogue.
Great Isfahan wo bist du?
ciao 4 now


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