Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

zehn Stilleben
la vertigine della mescolanza
fight against time, indeed

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
18 July 2023   Tuesday
Hélène Gregoroffsky Fisher, a true unique among foremost Russian Americans.


The Vanna Venturi House is for sale
Is that a mock or a mock-up? I can't tell.


The Vanna Venturi House is for sale
And how come no one ever mentions the secret basement?


on aesthetics
I'm not exactly sure how "any definition of place is going to be arbitrary."
There is a somewhat unquestioned methodology to architectural history, which categorizes types of architectures by period (time) and location (place). And this is mostly a Western European standard. Yet architectural history is rarely written where it demonstrates how types of architectures actually overlap when architecture is culled from all over the globe at any given time.
If you're not arbitary about place and simply say the globe, and then look to see what types of architecture were being done (on the globe) at any given time, you'll see just how diverse architecture always was. Interestingly, this is how we judge the present (and conclude that standards are fractured), but it's not how the past is/has been judged.
I agree that architecture for the most part is arbitrary in the sense that most architecture reflects a set of specific decisions (arbitration), but only a small percentage of architecture is outright whimsical. Personally, it's refreshing to see just how diverse architecture has always been.
Otherwise, the real modus operandi of aesthetics is "what is the cash value?"


good design under $15?
I love how a lot of 'good design' these days amounts to stuff that soon becomes trash. Thank goodness even my trash can is good design.
Planned obsolescence has to be the most successful design of all.


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.07.18