Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

pages from
First, a collection of uniquely new Great Britain perfins featured within the September 1984 issue of i-D magazine.
Almost finished four more pages today. Pages 10 and 11 became quite a 'pass-time' process.
As the pages of this 'stamp album' are generated, they'll be featured at

From The Discovery of Piranesi's Final Project:
12 July 2023   Wednesday
My objective is not to rewrite some histories, my objective, rather, is to fix some histories. Fix, as in repair, and fix, as in set firmly in place. Again, that's my objective, dual objectives actually, yet the repairs and firm placements are not necessarily all inclusive nor solely conclusive.
First, repair the direct architecturally historical relationship between the Maxentian complex along the Appian Way and its neighbor across the street, the Martyrium San Sebastiano--the very end of pagan Roman architecture and the very beginning of Christian Roman architecture, respectively. Both set firmly at the same place and in the same time.
Second, repair Bianconi's and Piranesi's team[/final?] project--Ancient Circuses by Giovanni Lodovico Bianconi, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Laura Piranesi, Francesco Piranesi, Carlo Fea, Stephen Lauf (1772-2023)--all the pieces thus far set firmly in place.
Third, repair the Ichnographia Campus Martius's meaning within the historical continuum. For a start, Piranesi, himself, repaired ancient Rome's architectural history, while at the same time setting that history firmly in place.


12 July
Just read this is Maurois's 'Preface' of Borges's Labyrinths:
(Schopenhauer, Borges remarks, has already written that life and dreams are leaves of the same book: reading them in order is living; skimming through them is dreaming.) In death we shall rediscover all the instants of our life and we shall freely combine them as in dreams. "God, our friends, and Shakespeare will collaborate with us." Nothing pleases Borges better than to play in this way with mind, dreams, space and time. The more complicated the game becomes, the happier he is. The dreamer can be dreamed in his turn.


srebrenica 1995
Yeah, there was overall denial of the 1945-46 mass graves at Gakowo too. Not anymore though.
I have several relatives killed and buried there, including a great-grand mother. A few years ago, one of my first cousins (of my mother's generation) told me how her sister K. and a group of other teenaged girls then had to dig the graves, and then how the girls were shot and the first dead in the graves. It was only luck that a Serbian "boy" recognized K. and knew that K.'s father was always friendly with, employed, and did good business with the Serbs, and how the young man then asked that K. be taken out of the line-up.
I enjoy visiting K. and her older sister ever summer, when it's time to pick the apples and pears from the trees in their yard


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