Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

2017.07.10 17:00

2016.07.10 13:22

Art + Architecture: Schumacher vs. Post-Net

After living there for 48 years and moving out late October 2006, I never thought I'd see the inside of my old house again. Just two days ago I was surprised and quickly saddened by some interior images of my old house online, taken apparently like a year ago:

You can consider this post a work of post-internet art entitled Learning from Virtual Museum to Oblivion.


Re: fashionism etc
Spoken language is all at base a wavelength, isn't it? Does that mean language written digitally is a hyper-wavelength?


Étant donnés' Back Door, etc.
Do you know Étant donnés' back door and that it takes "2 key" to open it?

Étant donnés' back door plays an integral role within "Projects for Quaestio Abstrusa Fashions."
Might not the window installed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art by request of Duchamp for the gallery of The Large Glass be considered a heretofore unacknowledged Duchamp work?


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