Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

20061401.db   Basilica of St. Agnes plus half plans

20061401.db   Basilica of St. Agnes plus half plans

Any Interest in a Novel About a Gay Architect in 1890?
King Ludwig II of Bavaria died yesterday 119 years ago. Royal architecture was his legacy.
My (quondam) laptop was 'abducted' late 11 June (like Ludwig was abducted 11 June 1886 at Neuschwanstein). Then the laptop finally died yesterday.
Ludwig died in Starnberger See with the psychiatrist von Gudden. Ludwig was trying to kill von Gudden, so von Gudden was then trying to kill Ludwig. They eventually killed each other. So novel, no?


misuse of screen name at artforum/talkback
The person answering the phone at Artforum gave me your email address.
My screen name 'stephenlauf' has been maliciously used by another party at artforum/talkback yesterday and today. The same 'identity thief' is using the screen names of other regular posters at talkback as well.
Since I use my real name when posting at talkback, and since it is the only name I use, I have always felt that I thus take full responsibility for whatever I post. That someone else is now also using my name, and maliciously so, is disconcerting to say the least.
I primarily want Artforum to be aware of this situation, and if there is anything you can do to stop this fraudulent activity, I would most appreciate it.
Please respond to this email to at least let me know that Artforum is now at least aware of the situation. If you would like more specific information, I can be reached at xxx-yyy-zzzz.
Steve Lauf


misuse of screen name at artforum/talkback
Elizabeth, go ahead and block username 'stephenlauf'. If things get cleared up I will like the name then restored, or, as you suggest, I'll register a new name.
According to the 'identity thief' it's not a matter of using passwords, if that can be believed. Anyway, if my name is blocked and it still shows up (I'll keep watch), then you'll know some other method is used. Just give me notice when 'stephenlauf' is blocked.
Steve Lauf


the fraudulent posts
All of the following posts are within the 'Art Basel a good place for finding a gallery?' thread, and were not posted by me. Thanks again.
I have had a vision
by stephenlauf, 06.13.04 02:11 pm
while masturbating 2 Piranisi (not his real name) a vision of Duchance came 2 me 2. I now c the divine wisdom and only wish the master would reveal herself 2 me so that I may be touched in everlasting vaginal bliss, oh golden bearer of golden labials.
If only that silly negative curator
by stephenlauf, 06.13.04 02:13 pm
could c his evil ways and amend his path of destruction so that he may receive divine guidance in the Holy Grail.
U R so right
by stephenlauf, 06.13.04 04:55 pm
I would have blown you out of the water. Anyway, your childish pranks have it looks like forced artforum to shut this site down, judging by the diminishing recent postings. Way to go duchildish.
Don't believe her,
by stephenlauf, 06.13.04 04:57 pm
I'm the REAL stephenlauf. Only I know what I know! Die imposter.
Please stephie
by stephenlauf, 06.14.04 01:37 pm
Look, i use many computers, now keep it up and I will go 2 some satellite here @ this university i'm doing a visiting artist@, get me a tecnguru from the computer center, basically faculty slaves, and have them encrypt your files so badly your hard drive won't b worth more than a door stop. Is that illegal 2 DU?


Re: misuse of screen name at artforum/talkback
Thanks for the good news. Go ahead and delete the fraudulent posts that I just sent you. That might just send a message to the imposter. Also, is it possible for me to change the current password for 'stephenlauf'?
you wrote:
hello again, I was just emailing you. our programmer just informed me that he believes he has found and fixed the problem, so it should not be necessary to block your username after all. if you would like us to delete the false postings from talk back, please let me know which/where they are. and please also let me know of course if there are any future problems of this sort.


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