Art that can be construed as supporting LGBTQ+ rights
Stephen Lauf

A ticking video of this watch is available on instagram.

"Time is money" = Girard-Perregaux ?

zero three seven


"Rem, Rita Novel is definitely Renaissance."
"Ja, ja, Josh, und Wolfhilde von Schlittenfahrt ist bestimmt Barock."


Re: logical software may have in the past seen me make reference to The Timepiece of Humanity and/or chronosomatics... ...this text comprises the initial results of my 'reading' the hardware and software of the human body as an architecture delivering content.
There was also a time when I considered composing The Body, the Imagination, and Architecture were the physiological operations of the body (fertility, assimilation, metabolism, osmosis, electro-magnetism, ultra-frequent synapses) are explored as also engendering 'physiologies' of human imaginations (fertile imagination, assimilating imagination, metabolic imagination, osmotic imagination, electromagnetic imagination, ultra-frequent synaptic imagination) which were then explored as further engendering physiologically categorized architectures (fertile architecture, assimilating architecture, metabolic architecture, osmotic architecture, osmotic architecture, electromagnetic architecture, ultra-frequent synaptic architecture). There are many unpublished notes and some drawings pertaining to this project.


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Stephen Lauf © 2024.05.18