2002.09.15 15:10
Re: yvonne and magdelene torn in tatters
I looked at Yvonne and Magdeleine Torn in Tatters at the Philadelphia Museum of Art this afternoon, and took some digital snapshots of the painting as well. Later, at home, looking at a close-up image of the painting's signature, I notice it is signed "Duchamp Sept. 11". I found out the date means September 1911, but I still think the coincidence is interesting. Perhaps I'll start referring to the quondam World Trade Center towers as Yvonne and Magdeleine.
There is a special Richard Hamilton Museum Studies 6 exhibit within the PMA Duchamp gallery. I might upload some images of the exhibit at Museumpeace next month.
Someone has left additional graffiti on Étant donnés' back door--"BAOC Scoota Allegheny 2002". This graffiti was not there about a month ago.
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2002.09.18 16:27
another fashion tip [of the iceberg]
Don't tell anyone, but just the other day I thought of a 'brand new' fashion line where all the items have expensive prices (e.g., $2000 or $24000, etc.) prominently 'branded' on them--I'm thinking of labeling it Queastio Abstrusa's Karma collection.
I wonder which is the most expensive building on the planet right now.
2002.09.19 17:00
the sky's the limit?
The location in question is most 'historic' as the site of the home of the man that founded Olney, but the field itself may indeed have a much, much older history. Given that Native Americans once 'camped' just downstream from the field, and that these "Indians would rather farm than fight," I think you can guess the rest.
2002.09.25 07:15
Re: The Large Glass
I have over 40 digital images of The Large Glass (in full and in detail) in situ at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The images were taken at various times since February 1999. Since all the contemporary art galleries of the PMA were renovated winter/spring 2000, I also have The Large Glass in two different immediate "contexts". There is even one fortuitous shot of two real "bachelors" standing behind and seen through the glass.
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Institute of Contemporary Art